Saturday, May 2, 2009

Online Forex Solutions

Custom Database Solutions with FileMaker Pro

Frank Callanan has been creating custom database solutions for over 15 years. And with the advent of FileMaker Pro version 8.5, solutions are faster, smarter, and more fleixble than ever. To represent the variety of possibilities, we've assembled a portfolio of case studies, representing 3 approaches to sharing mission critical data.

Whether you're thinkng of a stand alone application, a peer-to-peer shared database, or a powerful networked solution secured in our server farm, you may enjoy reading of others' successes.

Online Effects brings special expertise to paper-intensive enterprises. If your organization deals with annual forms, applications, reports, or scenarios, you might already be dreaming of an automated operation. Thoughtful and collaborative design and implementation could save you hundreds of staff ours per year. ...(read more...)

MAEMIS Moves Forward!

Welcome, MAEMIS users. Beginning with MAEMIS8, Online Effects introduces new architecture that permits users to customize MAEMIS in a free-standing file. Yes, the days of re-typing all your customizations are over. Be sure to read about Remote_Fx.

Online Effects is proud to be the sole developer for the State of Maine Dept. of Education's Adult Education programs. Maine's Adult Ed Managed Information System (MAEMIS®) undergoes it's second major upgrade this decade. Frank Callanan ports the soution from FileMaker Pro® version 6 to FileMaker Pro® version 8.

In Beta since summer 2007, the official rollout begins April 9, 2007. Thanks to the efforts of Jan Gove, regional training sessions have been well received throughout the winter and early spring.

This site also contains special MAEMIS information supporting conversion, updates, and more. (read more...)

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