Saturday, May 9, 2009

Forex in Globex Market

How Globex InterBank works

GLOBEX INTERBANK clears all foreign exchange business transactions world wide.
GLOBEX INTER BANK does conjunction with most of world's major banks
The Forex institutions work with the major banks which clear through INTER BANK
Any institute or individual who wants to make a transaction in foreign exchange (Forex) can approach any bank world wide and can request any sum needed for there transactions. The GLOBEX INTERBANK makes sure that they can receive any sum they need even if it means contacting a number of major banks to gather the full sum.
In that way any party can deal Forex in real time current rate and receive all there needs in a matter of seconds.
Using cutting edge technology at our unique process, transactions are settled on a payment versus payment basis. Settlement is final the moment instructions cross Globex Inter Bank world wide.
GLOBEX INTERBANK is a real-time system that permits simultaneous settlement globally in all continents and all time zones.

GLOBEX INTERBANK is a long lasting process of:

  • Submitting instructions - receiving payments of specified currencies from customers
  • Funding - settling pairs of instructions that satisfy all criteria
  • Execution - making pay-outs in specified currencies.

Participating banks get real-time information that helps them to manage liquidity more productively, reduce credit risks and introduce operational efficiencies.
Banks can review net pay-in totals at any time, so they have a full control of all transactions.
Because payments are made on the net position for each currency, the bank reduces the funding necessary by up to 95%.
Banks receive real time information and manage their own data.
Tracking operational errors reduces costly reconciliation delays.
Banks can leverage values in any currency to settle other currencies.
Banks makes sure that's each settlement member has a net positive balance across all currencies, ensuring that the settlements are fully secured and protected.


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