Saturday, May 14, 2011

Sunday, November 21, 2010

DUI/DWI laws

DUI/DWI laws

November 2010

All 50 states and the District of Columbia have per se laws defining it as a crime to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above a proscribed level, currently 0.08 percent (0.08 g alcohol per 100 ml blood).

License suspension or revocation traditionally follows conviction for alcohol-impaired driving. Under a procedure called administrative license suspension, licenses are taken before conviction when a driver fails or refuses to take a chemical test. Because administrative license suspension laws are independent of criminal procedures and are invoked right after arrest, they've been found to be more effective than traditional post-conviction sanctions. Administrative license suspension laws are in place in 41 states and the District of Columbia.

More than half of all U.S. states require DUI offenders to install ignition interlocks on their vehicles in order to drive during a license suspension and/or require interlocks for specified time periods before fully relicensing offenders. These interlock devices analyze a driver’s breath and disable the ignition if the driver has been drinking. In 13 states (Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Utah, and Washington), such a restriction is applied to all offenders, including first time offenders. California applies a similar restriction to all offenders, but only in 4 counties. An additional 9 states apply the restriction to all offenders with high BACs (usually 0.15 percent or higher) and to repeat offenders, and 6 states apply the restriction only to repeat offenders.

Laws in the remaining states do not require interlocks at all, though courts or DMVs in 18 states and the District of Columbia have the discretion to apply interlock requirements. Only 3 states (Alabama, South Dakota, and Vermont) have no interlock laws.

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Rules of Trading

Know the Rules!
Know the Stakes!
Know when to Quit!

Trading for a living is really a unique career and that too currencies. The markets and there by opportunities are always there to make money. If you are here looking for consistent results in your trading, then you are in the right place.

I am not offering you any Get rich quick schemes or the Holy Grail or a 100% success rate trading system, they just don’t exist so STOP looking. The only thing that you need to do is trade without expectations of a big pay day, just focus on cash flow , keep your losses minimal and the odds in every trade in your favor , you will end up with more money in your account and lot of freedom . Seeing is believing, or more accurately “Doing” is believing and only way you will know is playing the game. Know the Rules, Know the stakes and Know when to quit. Follow the guidelines and rules. Trading is a Marathon not a Sprint!

Money management principles, Patience and Discipline are the 3 fundamentals to making a living in a financial trading market. I know it has been written by so many but theory is different from applying those practically. That is what i am going to walk you through day in and day out for Four weeks and there will not be anything sweeter than making money effortlessly. Service is free so sign up!

You Can Do Forex with this Easy Forex Trading Training Course

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Think making a living with Forex impossible? Well, think again. It is POSSIBLE to make a great living from home with this easy Forex trading training course using simple, easy to follow rules that everyone can understand.

Take electricity as an example. You don’t have to know anything about electricity to flick a light switch and see the light come on. Likewise, you do not need to know everything about Forex in order to generate great money.

The secret of stress-free Forex trading is learning to take small steps at a time. If you take small amount of risk free trading three or four mornings a week, is far better than sitting at the computer all day long, yo-yoing up and down in ‘gambling mode’.

Earning great money need NOT be a gamble in Forex. With proper Forex trading training and a good Forex strategy - it’s possible in a few short hours every week, to make a better salary than your day job could offer.

The secret of stable financial security through forex is what Einstein called ‘the ninth wonder of the world’, compounding. Sure, there is a learning period, and simple rules that have to be absorbed and practiced until perfect. But this process of learning is carried out totally risk free with pretend money in something called a ‘demo’ account.

Most people do not realize this process and allow the thought of ‘Get Rich Quick’ to overcome the good business planning and common sense that ought to go with any new financial venture. All that glitters is not gold and unfortunately, ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes are often advertised freely on the internet and it’s definitely a case of buyer beware.

Be wary of those hype that is so common wherever the sharks sense that there are people with money to invest. There is no substitute for good, honest forex trading training, period.

With proper Forex training in place, you only need to follow few simple, but strict rules .

  • Only trade a maximum of 5% of capital in any one day.
  • Wait for the correct criteria - better to preserve capital than risk it.
  • Be prepared to exit immediately if in any doubt. Minimised, tiny negatives are easy to recover from.
  • Cut out greed and close the trade and the trading station as soon as target is met.

Just a few ‘pips’ a day, a few days a week can compound into serious money by anyone’s standards. Forex, if done right, can be a complete change of lifestyle for very ordinary people. All you needed is a PC and the right motivation and a good forex trading training course.

Click Here to learn how to become a professional trader with Forex Training Works

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